Kathie Kalafatis
Meet the Cleanroom Specialist
Kathie Kalafatis, President & CEO of CleanAir Solutions, Inc. has designed cleanroom systems for the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, electronics and biotech industries since 1990.
Throughout her years in sales, she was the top producer for her company nationwide and was responsible for the development of several innovative product lines. Her career evolved to include turnkey solutions for large-scale design build cleanroom applications including the integration of related facility services.
Kathie Kalafatis built a reputation within her industry and several government agencies for creating bid documents which met Federal Standards 209E and other specific cleanroom guidelines. She has also received recognition from the Institute of Environmental Sciences for her contribution to the evolution of modular cleanrooms.
Kathie Kalafatis maintains affiliations with the following organizations:
National Association of Professional Women (NAPW)
Solano County Chamber of Commerce