Four Industries Served Well With Pass Through Chambers


Safety and security are top priorities in most businesses, but some industries deal with situations that require additional safety measures. Whether you need to protect the air quality, your employees, your customers or a plethora of other elements, pass through cabinets and chambers are a viable solution for your organization. If your work involves one or more of these four industries, learn how you can use the latest safety and security features of specimen pass through chambers to meet your organizational goals.

Medical and Pharmaceutical

The medical and pharmaceutical industries serve many purposes and populations, but the one thing they all have in common is the need to prevent contamination. Patients, staff and doctors need to know that biological samples and specimens remain free of contaminants and that labs and treatment rooms stay sterile. Specimen pass through chambers called convenience windows, which have reinforced shelves, allow patients to move samples from the capture room to medical personnel while keeping environments safe and clean. Glass pass through windows in medical settings, such as the sterile areas of hospitals and pharmacy labs, serve the same purpose between medical and health teams.

You can customize the size and material of convenience windows to fit varying needs. Windows can come equipped with sliding or swinging doors and open from one or both sides. Materials may consist of glass for visibility or metal for privacy. Varying thicknesses provide different levels of security, and shelves allow for easy handling of materials passed through.

Semiconductor and Technology

To construct mobile devices such as cell phones, phablets, tablets, wearables and other connected technology, the semiconductor industry is tasked with keeping elements and chemical compounds safe. When combined, these substances form the semiconductors that make technology possible. Pass through windows help this industry protect laboratories and manufacturing facilities from introducing dust and crystalline particles into your environment when your employees move from one area to another. Specimen pass through windows also help maintain sterility when employees pass materials between rooms within protected areas.

Forensic Facilities

For government agencies and private forensic facilities, large and small pass through chambers help sustain the chain of custody and maintain viability of evidence. Convenience windows and transaction windows are a great solution for smaller pieces of evidence, but roll-up doors provide you with the ability to move larger objects into a lab or storage facility. Pass through doors on motorized lifters permit you to transfer vehicles, pallets of items, pieces of partially destroyed structures and any item that needs to be towed or shuttled in so they can be investigated and stored without risk of contamination.

Research Facilities

For research facilities in many venues, airborne contaminants and fire hazards are a serious concern because of the chemicals or substances studied. Two types of pass throughs are extremely helpful for keeping your research facility safe: fire-rated doors and air shower pass throughs. Fire-rated doors are constructed of high-grade materials that resist exposure to fire for up to 90 minutes. The double-door construction keeps the shape of the frame, protecting your lab from destruction. Air shower pass throughs use HEPA-filtered air blown through adjustable nozzles when the door in the chamber closes. Contaminants are air washed away and disposed of through a vent, keeping even the tiniest particles from entering or leaving your lab.

Cleanroom pass through windows provide safe working environments and security for everything within your protected work areas. CleanAir Solutions can help you meet your industry standards and maintain the highest efficiency with specimen pass through solutions built for your field.


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